pcb electrical testing
Partially finished boards need to be electrically tested using the IPC-9252 Guidelines and Requirements for Electrical Testing of Unpopulated Printed Boards. Just how, however, are these boards assessed?
PCB electrical Testing Types
Currently, there is no specific test that is demanded for electrical testing of PCBs, the only thing that has to be demonstrated is that the board went through some tests to conform with the electrical testing norms. Electrical testing procedures for printed circuit boards can include:
- Capacitance Testing: This is a kind of testing that aims at seeking shorts in the board. This procedure involves use of a net and an electrical charge, and the procedure entails charging of the said net with an electrical charge and determining the capacity that is induced.
- Resistance Testing: This kind of testing is used to measure resistance in ohms. The resistance is a measure of the impacts that are brought about by electrons and atoms in a conductor that hinders the flow of electron whenever current passes through the conductor. In resistance you are searching for the smallest possible resistance as a sign that you are dealing with a good conductor. Another thing you have to take into consideration is the fact that circuits with more turns and thin wires have more overall resistance.
- Comparative Testing: This is carried out using a standard master board that you used to tutor a net list program, against which other master boards are compared with. The issue with this sort of testing is that there was probably an original flaw in the master board.The result is after a test the car is discovered to have glitches in its productivity due to the master board’s initial flaw.
- Continuity Testing: This test makes sure that the resistance between the test points is within the limit set as required.
- Flip Test: Both a grid is made on the board and testing is done on either side of it as a universal way. It is not nearly as accurate as the method shown next, the clamshell method.
- Clamshell Testing: In simultaneous testing both the sides of the board are tested simultaneously. This method is frequently used with reliability, as you are checking all points on the board simultaneously.
- Adjacency Testing: Shorts are tested by applying a test in which isolation between conductors has to be made. It popularly organized to determine whether it is proximity adjacency or line-of-sight adjacency.
- Adjacency Test: This test isolates one conductor from another.
- Flying Probe Testing: This method, is very reliable in testing an entire board with a flying-probe test sequence that probers the board at high speeds for shorts and openings on the board.
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